The Top Five Mistakes of Promotions | Kendrick PR
March 12, 2018

Top 5 Mistakes of Promotions

The end goal of PR and Marketing is to increase positive exposure and build your reputation, bringing your business to the forefront of the minds of potential clients and ultimately drive sales. A core strategy in your toolbox is to run promotions of your products or services, which can be incredibly successful when managed well. However, it can be all too easy to fall victim to common marketing promotions mistakes but once you know how to spot them, you can get to work on ensuring your promotions are done the right way, increasing your sales and revenue whilst boosting your reputation.

Mistake 1: Unengaging Content

One of the most important parts of your promotion is content – which has to work HARD for you. As well as having to grab the attention of your target audience, your content must give enough information without being dry, stay relevant to the topic, and engage your audience enough to want to buy what you’re selling. In the digital age, the average audience member is acutely aware of when they are being sold to, so carefully selecting the right content and images for your promotion is essential to making them forget about the sale and encourage genuine interest in what you’re offering.

Mistake 2: Ineffective distribution

Content and distribution need to be a perfectly balanced yin-yang approach. There’s no point in having fantastic content if you aren’t showing it off! Make sure you’ve got a plan in place for getting your promotion out there, be it through social media channels, trade publications or local media, newsletters, or any other methods that may work for you.

Mistake 3: Mismanaging Time

You need to be sure you’re giving your promotion enough time to get off the ground and succeed, so having a schedule in place to help you allocate and manage your time effectively is key. A good promotion cannot be carried out within a few days. As well as preparation time, be sure you’re allowing enough run time to make the most of the potential revenue. However, running for too long can quickly kill any momentum. It’s important to get the balance right to capitalise on any interest for the benefit of your business.

Mistake 4: Failure to Set Targets

For any marketing strategy, it is important to have clear-cut goals from the very beginning. As well as having something to aim for, it’ll help you measure your success and evaluate your technique. Whilst promotions can certainly help create a buzz around your service or product, often this is not the prime intention behind your promotion strategy. Are you looking to make sales, boost traffic, or even just increase awareness of your brand? Whatever your intention, making sure it’s clear from the outset will help you tailor your promotion to suit, increasing your chance of a successful promotion and achieving your goals.

Mistake 5: Relying on Discounts

Common sense logic states that by decreasing the pricing of your products or services, it will bring in an influx of new clients looking to make the most of a great deal. Whilst sometimes this does work well, it’s sometimes a little more complex! In introducing massive discounts, you run the risk of selling yourself short, and devaluing what you have to offer. What you should be trying to do instead is highlight what makes you unique and why your customers should care beyond the price tag attached.


For more information on how to ensure your marketing promotion is a success, please feel free to get in touch for expert help and advice.