My 10 Top Tips for Advertising: PART 1 - The Basics | Kendrick PR
July 16, 2018

My 10 Top Tips for Advertising: PART 1 – The Basics

The aesthetics industry is becoming more crowded as demand increases, with new clinics opening up to capitalise on the popularity of non-surgical procedures. While it may seem daunting to try and get your clinic noticed from the sea of competition, it is encouraging to know that the potential for attracting new clients is limitless, with more patients than ever looking for the right clinic for them. This is why PR and advertising has never been more crucial – but where to start if you’re a novice? Have a look at my top tips below to get the very best out of your advertising efforts.

Show Me The Money!

Whatever methods you choose for advertising your clinic, whether that be enlisting professional help or going it alone, it will never be cost-free. You should always plan to spend out in order to see a return on your investment, and budgeting appropriately is an absolute must. Before you begin, take some time to outline your budget, planning for a sustained presence rather than a one-hit wonder campaign, and figure out how much money you can realistically set aside each month in order to pay for this whilst still seeing profits. Knowing how much you have free to spend before you even begin will help you judge where best to spend your money, and how to make the most out of your efforts.

2. Get Targeted!

When considering advertising, many companies who may be just starting out make the mistake of trying to appeal to everyone, and end up spreading themselves too thin. In order to create a successful campaign, you must first ensure you have an in-depth understanding of your target audience beforehand in order to be certain you are creating directly for them. Taking some time to figure out where your potential clients get their information will help you figure out what type of advertising campaign will work best for them. For example, find out what kind of media they consume, what they’re reading, which social channels they frequent, and what kind of advertising is already working well for your target patients will help you tailor your advertising to where it is likely to be seen and result in success.

3. Work Your USPs

What makes your clinic stand out from the crowd? If you don’t know, your potential patients certainly won’t! Ensuring you have strong, clearly-defined messages about what makes your clinic special and making that the focal point of your campaign will be crucial to creating a campaign that works for you. After all, with the aesthetics market saturated with clinics on practically every high street, considering you ‘Unique Selling Point’ (USP) is pivotal to catching the customers’ eye. If you’re struggling with working out your USP, try to think about what your target audience needs from you and what you can provide for them, or have a look at my blog.

4. Invest in Great Visuals

When it comes to advertising, eye-catching, visual features are far more important than text-heavy blocks of content. I would always recommend investing in your own, high-impact visuals that align with your overall brand as this is important for a clean, cohesive, and professional look that draws patients to you. Whether this involves making use of your logo, colour scheme, patient images, or stock photos (make sure you’re aware of copyright laws!), building a database of visuals that have the right look and feel for your business can make all the difference.

5. Be Multi-Channel

In order to cultivate a successful ad campaign, efforts need to be spread over multiple channels. Information consumption is multi-faceted and very often on-the-go, so focusing solely on one channel limits the potential for exposure to your target audience. Make sure when planning your strategy that you allow for a range of communications channels, such as print, online, and social media. Be sure to adapt your content to suit the format of the channel your posting on, whilst still keeping things as cohesive as possible by integrating across platforms and keeping your message clear to reach your audience effectively.

Make sure to keep an eye out for 6-10 of my top 10 tips: The Masterclass, by checking my blog for regular updates!

If you have any questions about anything covered in this blog, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!